Chapter 6 – Happiness

Finally, the time rolled around for me to turn 19. I had to graduate late because of the year I missed for Mona.

I picked out the prettiest dress I had and threw it on, and put on some make up. I called up everyone I knew and invited them to come celebrate.

The first to arrive at the party was Max and his brand new girlfriend, Bella Bachelor. I was shocked to see him move on so quickly. I felt a feeling of hate build up inside me, but I told myself that he wasn’t worth my time.

Suddenly, I had an idea.

“Hey Max, I’ll give you $10 if you go make out with Kaylynn right now,” I whispered into his ear, interrupting his grinding with Bella.

“$10? Come on, you gotta give me more than that Spencer.”

“Make it $20.” I sold it to him and he told Bella he had to go do something real quick. He went up to Kaylynn and brought her body close to his, and slowly began to make out with her in the middle of the party! Bella saw them, and was infuriated. They didn’t speak to each other for the rest of the party.

Finally, it was my time to blow out my candles and make a wish!


I blew out my candles with satisfaction and I was officially 19! I went to go put on a new dress as mine got some frosting on it.

After we all grabbed some cake, the first person I spoke to was Toby. Straight away, I kissed him hard. I had missed this so much.


“I love you Toby.” I whispered.

“I love you too Spence,” He breathed.

My life felt more complete than ever.


After the party, I kissed Mona’s forehead and told her to go to bed. Now that she was 6, she had a curfew of 9:00 because of her school bus arriving at 8.


Afterwards, it was time for Toby and I to catch up. We went straight to the bed, and I was in my undies in no time.


We fell asleep right away.


I finally felt like I could completely move on from Max, and start something brand new with someone I truly loved. And Toby was that special someone.

The next morning, I woke up to my phone buzzing. I checked who it was from, and I had 2 missed calls from Ethan.

Oh shit, I forgot about Ethan.

Ethan and I hadn’t gone into an official relationship, but we went on dates and held hands and kissed. We just never got to the actual stage of being in a committed relationship.

All of a sudden, my heart dropped. I knew Ethan really liked me, and I didn’t know how on Earth I would break the news to him that I’d like to move on. Since I was done with school,  I told myself that I wouldn’t have to worry about him…

For now.

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